Persons and user roles
  • 27 Aug 2021
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Persons and user roles

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Article summary

General information

In this step, persons and user roles can be created. Here you can also control whether a person should be a user of the system and what user role he/she should have.

A user role controls access to the system and they can be as many as needed. The user role determines which processes, modules, actions etc. the user will see when logging into the system and how they can work with data in the system such as if they can register, edit or only read data in modules. Note that each user can only belong to one user role at a time. User roles also define some basic settings for the user. Note that user roles do not determine which sites or portfolio the user sees.

To give a person access to the system or change their existing user role, it can be dragged from the left side to a user role on the right side.

Left side

On the left side a list of persons registered in the database is displayed, grouped by user roles. At the top you can see a node where all persons are listed up beneath that do not have any user role. 

To create a new person, press the plus button above. A window appears where the user information is filled out. The most important are:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Is user: This must be marked if this person should be able to log into the system. If this is marked, the person must have a user role. 
  • User role: Must be selected if the person is a user of the system.
  • System language: Choose the preferable language for the person.
  • Username: Enter the desired username (when using the App, do not include Æ, Ø and Å). Necessary if person is a user of the system.
  • Password: Enter the desired password (cannot be only numerically, when using App, do not include Æ, Ø and Å). Necessary if person is a user of the system (and there is no AD integration)

Right side

On the right side all user roles in the system are displayed. If a user role is associated with one or more persons, the user role is shown in bold and a subsequent bracket shows the number of people associated. Expand by clicking the arrow in front to see which persons are in this user role. 


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